Wednesday, May 7, 2008

1818 M. Randall - Ascanius; or, the Young Adventurer

M. Randall, 1818312 pages

Ascanius: or, The young adventurer:

containing, a succinct and impartial account of the Rebellion in Scotland, in the years 1745-46; with an authentic detail of every battle, skirmish and siege which occurred in these years: and of the dangers which Prince Charles encountered after the Battle of Culloden.

1818 Ogle, Allardice, and Thomson - Ascanius;or, the Young Adventurer

1818 Ogle, Allardice, and Thomson - 216 pages

Ascanius; Or, The Young Adventurer:

Containing an Impartial History of the Rebellion in Scotland in the Years 1745, 1746. In which is Given a Particular Account of the Battle of Prestonpans, and Death of Colonel Gardner. With a Journal of the Miraculous Adventures and Escape of the Young Chevalier After the Battle of Culloden.

1825 J. Fraser, Paisley - Ascanius; or the Young Adventurer

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1748 Jacob Merckell - Sanfärdig historia om Ascanius

Sanfärdig historia om Ascanius
Sanfärdig Historia Om Ascanius
Jacob Merckell 1748 (96 pages)

Innehållandes En omständelig Berättelse, På
Alt det, som händt
Prinß Charles Edouard
Uti Norra Skottland ifrån Bataillen
wid Culloden den 16/27 April 1746, til 19/30 Septemb. samma År.
Tryckt hos Directeuren och Rongl. Boktr. i
Stor-Förstendömet Finnland, JACOB